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minister opens service building | 28 June 2021 |
Today the Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment, Sveinung Rotevatn, is visiting Ny-Ålesund with a delegation of 5 people, to open the renovated service building. The oldest part of the building had been sinking in the permafrost. The floors have been temporarily removed and the building is now standing on bedrock. This building is important for the community as we have our meals here and Kings Bay has its offices on the top floor. | |
The Governor of Svalbard Lars Fause, the director of the Norwegian Polar Institute Ole Arve Misund and the chairman of the board of Kings Bay, Tor Instanes, have also come to this village. To the left in the picture below, the Governor is photographing. | |
As chair of the Ny-Ålesund Science Managers Committee NySMAC, they have asked me to say a few words at the opening. Later this afternoon, I have a 30 minute conversation with the delegation. |
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