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I am a chapter

20 July 2011 10:00

In my mailbox (P.O.Box 1, Ny-Ålesund, I am proud on the number, feels like Santa, North Pole) I received today a book. A big surprise. After having talked to a journalist in 2008 and 2009, she has written a chapter with me as an example of present day international research in Ny-Ålesund. The wooden shoes (tresko in Norwegian) must have made some impression. I feel proud and honoured. It is a pity that the book is only avaliable in Norwegian.
Fortellinger om folk på tundraen
by Åse Kristine Tveit
Tapir Akademisk Forlag, Trondheim 2011
ISBN 978-82-519-2731-4
ISBN 978-82-519-2792-5 (epub)
ISBN 978-82-519-2791-8 (pdf)

Adresse Ny-Ålesund

Fortellinger om folk på tundraen
by Åse Kristine Tveit
Tapir Akademisk Forlag, Trondheim 2011

pages with keyword press


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20241205, 03:00
graveyard shift on national radio


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20240121, 12:45
Buitenhof national television


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20230719, 22:04
contribution to heatwave news


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20210814, 08:00
action for climate


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20200125, 09:00


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20191030, 12:00
Der Wolkenstaubsauger


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20190930, 12:00
Der Eisbär wird zum Eierdieb


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20180706, 22:00
photo journalist


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20180704, 11:00
visiting regional newspaper


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20170721, 14:00
living conditions


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20130703, 16:00
Louwrens in Labyrint


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20130620, 17:30
WWF on doorstep


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20120612, 23:30
Alice in Arctic Wonderland


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20110720, 10:00
i am a chapter

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