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webtagging goslings

21 June 2023

This video is a 360 degrees video. You can decide yourself in which direction you want to look. Move the view with your mouse (left button) and see Mo putting on tags and Maarten taking notes, or the goose being alarmed. The female goose is my favourite: yBA.

A 360 video can also be viewed in VR-glasses with an android telephone. Your movement will decide in which direction you see the video. Switch to full screen.
These videos are part of a project for kids. See the website https://www.arcticexplorer.nl. Kids can be an arctic explorer for a day. There are free special packages for classes developed.

The goslings are marked with a so-called webtag. It is a small metal numbered piercing, mostly used for fish research. As the leg is still to small to carry a big goose ring, we pierce these webtags through the web of the gosling. As the web grows from the toes, the webtag stays on the outside. At the end of summer, we will catch the geese again and can identify these webtagged goslings. This gives us exact age dates for a growth curve, but also allows us to study adoption, which is often occurring in geese.

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