
people in the station in 2021

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Maarten Loonen Mo Verhoeven Christophe Brochard Margje de Jong Isabella Scheiber

Maarten Loonen

Netherlands Arctic Station



Mo Verhoeven

Netherlands Arctic Station


Christophe Brochard

Netherlands Arctic Station


Margje de Jong

Netherlands Arctic Station


Isabella Scheiber

Netherlands Arctic Station



Annabel Slettenhaar Simen Christen Karlsen Mikael Andreas Saetre

Annabel Slettenhaar

Netherlands Arctic Station

master student

Simen Christen Karlsen

Netherlands Arctic Station

student, guard


Mikael Andreas Saetre

Netherlands Arctic Station

master student


For webmaster

Field season 2021: crew of the Netherlands Arctic Station
Maarten Loonen7 June - 19 Aug University of Groningen station manager 6359
Margje de Jong 7 June - 5 Aug University of Vienna postdoc geese 11237
Annabel Slettenhaar 7 June - 5 AugUniversity of Groningen master student 11237
Mo Verhoeven7 June - 19 Aug Neth. Inst. Ecol. NIOO postdoc 10041
Mikael Saetre 21 June - 12 July NTNU-CBD Trondheim master student 11612
Simen Karlsen 21 June - 12 July NTNU-CBD Trondheim master student 11612
Isabella Scheiber 8 July - 5 AugUniversity of Vienna postdoc geese 11237
Christophe Brochard 15 July - 19 Aug Bureau Biota scientist 11208
The following people have postponed their visit to next year due to covid.
Willemijn Loonen 2 Aug - 19 AugUniversity of Delft field assistant 6360
Martine van den Heuvel 13 - 20 Aug Wageningen Marine Research scientist 11352
Nanne van den Heuvel 13 - 20 Aug Wageningen Marine Research student 11352
Hans Verdaat 13 - 20 Aug Wageningen Marine Research researcher 11352

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