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Anouk Goedknegt 


Anouk Goedknegt







Netherlands Arctic StationStudent29 / 06 / 200913 / 08 / 2009

!Facebook: noukanouk@yahoo.co.nz! I am a masterstudent from the University of Groningen (up north in the Netherlands). My master research is about the relationship between growth, the immune system and the avian stress hormone corticosterone for Barnacle goslings raised in the Arctic. I've been working with data from last year. Some of you might know that Maarten, Elise and Kathryn raised 16 goslings for 5 weeks. They fed the goslings and took them on walks on the tundra during day and night. Every week they measured the geese and took blood. In the Netherlands i've been doing some immune and hormone assays with this blood. Now it is almost the end of my project and I was supposed to do an immune test in Ny Alesund, the bacterial killing assay. But it didnt work out properly. Now Im helping Thomas and Fokje to count the geese and read ring numbers of the geese here in town and on other places in the fjord. Which is very nice to do, because its so beautiful here. !Facebook: noukanouk@yahoo.co.nz!

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