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24 July 2024

Suddenly two Dutch friends came knocking on the door of the station. Richard Bintanja is working at the KNMI the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute and and the University of Groningen. He has been involved in developing their climate change model. In 2023, his postdoc Nomikos Skyllas worked with me in the field on Arctic terns. Ben Bekooy has been the photographer of the Smeerenburg-project of the Arctic Centre of Groningen. He has digitized the entire collection of the Arctic Centre and is a regular visitor from long ago. Both man had joined the SEES-2015 expedition . Richard brought his daughter Suzanne with him, Ben brought his daughter Marleen. The Arctic bug lives in these families.
Below a picture made by Ben Bekooy from 4 July 1979, while camping with the Smeerenburg expedition in Ny-Ă…lesund

Ben returned in 1992 and camped again at the campsite of Ny-Ă…lesund. Nowadays the campground is closed as there are too many polar bear visits.

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20240724, 12:00 20240724, 13:00 20240802, 09:15 all items shown with small pics
blue ice visitors counting birds along the coast