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inside mouth of polar bear

8 July 2023

Today I found in the hut an old wildlife camera, returned by Hongmei of the Chinese station on 21 December 2022. The camera was used to observe behaviour of neckbanded geese. We observed nest xxx from goose xxx with GPS-neckband 20. The camera was set to time lapse, every 5 minutes two pictures. The goose nest was predated by a polar bear on 15 June 2022. Unfortunately that action was missed. But later the bear has taken the camera in its mouth at a momnent where the camera did take a picture. An unique picture. Now traces on the camera of any bite mark or scratch.

We start here with a narrative of what happened on 15 June 2022:
15 June 202203:24 last picture with the goose on its nest, neckband 20
15 June 202203:29 the goose has left the nest, the polar bear must be close
15 June 202203:34 the nest is predated, no picture of the action
15 June 202203:49 geese are back at the nest
15 June 202203:54 female sits on nest without eggs
15 June 202204:09 ringed goose gLDD next to nest
15 June 202205:00 camera in mouth of polar bear
15 June 202205:05 camera left in the field looking towards the sky
31 August 202211:10 last picture looking towards the sky
31 August 202211:15 chinese team recovers the camera
Enjoy the pictures below.

last picture with the goose on its nest, neckband 20
the goose has left the nest, the polar bear must be close
the nest is predated, no picture of the action
geese are back at the nest
female sits on nest without eggs
ringed goose gLDD next to nest
camera in mouth of polar bear
camera left in the field looking towards the sky
last picture looking towards the sky
chinese team recovers the camera

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20230707, 17:58 20230708, 12:00 20230710, 13:00 all items shown with small pics
young arctic foxes inside mouth of bear New tool!

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