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Plastic problem

30 September 2016

I still receive news from Ny-Ålesund or about the people in Ny-Ålesund. Sometimes it is so relevant, that I copy the information in this weblog. Today it is about plastic. Geir Wing Gabrielsen is working on this topic and gave a spectacular but also disturbing lecture about this in Ny-Ålesund for the whole town. Even the Ny-Ålesund Symposium was paying attention to this in their annual theme Planet Ocean. Boyan Slat, founder and director of The Ocean Cleanup in The Netherlands was also at the symposium.
Today I received this picture from Geir. It was taken by Inger-Sofia Mercadal and shows a Barnacle Goose entangled in plastic. It was also wounded on the leg and wing and the Governor decided to shoot it.
Geir Wing Gabrielsen has been involved in writing a childrens book about this problem. They hope it will be translated in more languages than Norwegian.

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