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Arctic amplification | 7 August 2020 |
Today is a sunny day. With the website https://ocdp.met.no/ I was able to make some nice graphs about climate change in Ny-Ålesund. They are given below. The average daily temperature has risen 0.89 degree Celsius per decade with an average temperature of -0.4 degrees. Precipitation has risen too with on average 41.8 mm per decade and an average of 437.1 mm. Many years the increase in temperature and precipitation happened mainly in the winter period. But the last three years summer temperatures are also clearly affected. It is getting warmer and wetter in the Arctic. | |
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Above daily mean temperature, below daily precipitation. | |
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As presented earlier, normal values are changing and don't show the increase in temperature clearly. You can see that in the two graphs below (daily average temperature and precipitation pattern over the year) with two periods for the calculation of normal values. The normal values from 1961 to 1990 are now in use, but next year it will be normal values calculated over the period 1991-2020. Than climate change disappears from the daily presentations! | |
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Above daily mean temperature, below daily precipitation. | |
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With thanks to Ketil Tunheim of the Norwegian meteorological Institute (DMI), who also pointed out to me the website https://klimaservicesenter.no. Sea ice coverage over the Arctic is now equal to the record year 2012. The next period the decrease will depend on ice floor thickness, wind and storms. We keep following the daily changes at https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/. | |
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