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Catch 3 | 30 July 2016 |
Woijtek warned us for the weather. But the geese were in front of the net. So we caught them. And now we have to process them in strong wind and rain. Wind speed 8 m/s. Luckily we can work in the windshade of the white house. We have caught 51 geese. Some families and so we have 17 goslings. | |
It is pretty cold. Miriam writes, Willemijn weighs, Maarten rings and measures and Janwiullem takes blood. | |
Willemijn had to have apicture with a goose which has the initials of her boyfriend on the ring. | |
At midnight, after 6 hours work, we can release the geese. | |
Pictures by Marcel Paul and Miriam Vermeij |
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