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  Back to my youth. Collecting strange animals from fresh water. Ben Frederiks found the first one. Steve Coulson made me remember their name, and this morning I went on a hunt. I caught within 15 minutes 17 Lepidurus arcticus, the tadpole shrimp. Looks like a miniature horseshoe crab. As food I added Daphnia, another of my favourite creatures. I give lectures about this creature about their ability to develop spines when fish are present, sexual and asexual reproduction, the ability to produce haemoglobin in oxygen low waters, their abilty to travel on bird legs, their winter eggs and thier role in cleaning turbid waters from fytoplankton.
Earlier about this species in the weblog

pages with keyword aquaria


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20210730, 14:30


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20200725, 13:00
final sampling mesocosms


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20200323, 11:00
lake experiment


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20180726, 11:05


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20180725, 20:26


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20130810, 13:30
tadpole shrimp

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